Welcome to SU2GUI

Welcome to SU2GUI!

SU2GUI is a Python-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) designed to simplify the setup, execution, and analysis of simulations using the SU2 software suite. It offers an intuitive interface with real-time visualization and comprehensive case management capabilities. It utilizes several Python libraries such as Pandas, VTK, JSON, Trame, and Vuetify to deliver its full functionality. These libraries handle data processing, visualization, and user interface components, making SU2GUI both powerful and versatile.

Why Use SU2GUI?

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate complex simulations with ease.
  • Real-Time Visualization: See results as they happen, enabling quick adjustments.
  • Comprehensive Case Management: Organize, load, and manage your simulations effortlessly.

Explore the SU2GUI Workflow

Here’s a snapshot of how SU2GUI simplifies your work:


1. Launch SU2GUI

Get started by running the SU2_GUI command in your terminal. This opens up the graphical interface where operations are conducted.

2. Start Your Case

You can either create a new case or load your previous case. Upload the necessary files—including mesh, configuration, and more—directly through the GUI if needed and make the required changes. SU2GUI keeps everything organized so you can focus on your simulation.

3. Run Your Simulation

With everything loaded, you can set up and run your simulation directly from the GUI. SU2GUI provides a user-friendly environment to configure parameters, initialize conditions, and start the solver.

4. Visualize Results

As the simulation runs, you can visualize and analyze the results in real-time using the integrated visualization tools within SU2GUI. This allows for immediate feedback and adjustments to the simulation if needed.

5. Manage Your Cases

Easily manage your simulation projects with SU2GUI’s case management features. Download, delete, or switch between cases with just a few clicks.

Ready to Get Started?

Dive deeper with our QuickStart guide and get started with SU2GUI.

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