Terminal Initialization

SU2GUI can be initialized directly from the terminal, allowing users to provide the Case Name and other relevant files during initialization.


The basic syntax for initializing SU2GUI from the terminal is as follows:

  usage: SU2_GUI [-h] [-p PORT] [-c CASE] [-m MESH] [--config CONFIG] [--restart RESTART]


  • -h, --help
    Displays the help message and exits.

  • -p , --port PORT
    Specifies the port to be used. The default port is 8080.

  • -c , --case CASE
    Defines the name of the case to start with.

  • -m , --mesh MESH
    Specifies the path to the SU2 mesh file in .su2 format.

  • --config CONFIG
    Specifies the path to the configuration file in .cfg format.

  • --restart RESTART
    Specifies the path to the restart file in .csv or .dat format.

Important Notes

  • Case Name Requirement: The Case Name must be provided for the initialization of the MESH, CONFIG, or RESTART file. Without specifying a Case Name, these files cannot be initialized.

  • All the options mentioned above are completely optional. Users can choose to provide any combination of these options based on their requirements.

Example Command

To initialize SU2GUI with a specific case name, port, mesh file, configuration file, and restart file, use the following command:

SU2_GUI -p 5000 -c case_name -m path_to_mesh_file --config path_to_config_file --restart path_to_restart_file

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